A busy autumn for CADFA

CADFA is gearing up now for an autumn of exchanges between the UK and Palestine.  In early September, the final group exchange of the Twinning in Action project will be an evaluation exchange of leaders from the two countries. The leaders will look at the work done over the past two years and consider what has been learned from the amazing series of exchanges to the UK and Palestine – these have included over 250 participants and involved thousands more people than that.

October will see the return visit of UK teachers to Palestine – part of the Teachers in Action project which began with a visit of Palestinian teachers to the UK in


Enabling people to meet and work together is part of our on-going work raising awareness of the human rights situation in Palestine.

Twinning in Action and Teachers in Action are funded by Erasmus plus with the help of our members and supporters. We are grateful to the Al Quds University for their help with Twinning in Action, while Teachers in Action had a grant from the NUT. The November visit to Palestine is in co-operation with the Higher Council of Youth and Sports, Palestine.

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