September 2017 Human Rights report from Abu Dis

schools street 20-9-2017

This month the human rights violations against people in Abu Dis and Palestine continued in a way that has become routine. People are trying to get on with their lives in a normal way but their lives are systematically interrupted by movement restrictions, separation from family members, economic and environmental problems as well as more dramatic and violent events.   People in Abu Dis were aware of the violent context across the West Bank more widely: two people were killed by the army in this month, of whom one was a prisoner, shot by the army in Deheisheh Camp, then imprisoned and later reported dead. There were a high number of arrests by the Israeli army in the West Bank this month: over 400 Palestinians were arrested in September.

This month in Abu Dis, the pressures on boys in particular and on their school education – which we have reported all year – were again frequent and shocking. A home in nearby Azzayem was destroyed by the Israeli army and the Israelis took further steps to move the Bedouin and extend the settlements in the “E1″area. Read more here:

Human Rights report September 2017

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