Threats including at Khan al-Ahmar

الخان الاحمر 4-7




The CADFA Human Rights Report for July 2018 tells of the pressures on the people around Abu Dis at this time – “During this month, apartheid was pushed on further when the Israeli Knesset gave approval to a new ‘Nation State Law’ as one of the so-called Basic Laws of Israel. Although the effort has been in this direction from the beginning, the law for the first time enshrines Israel as “the national home of the Jewish people” in such a way that it removes the equality (even in name) for others in Israel – primarily the Palestinians who remained after 1948. At the same time, the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza is continuing aggressively both to keep Gaza under an inhuman siege and to take over West Bank land and there is no indication that the talk of “two states” is anything but a red herring.”

The villagers at Al Khan al-Ahmar (pictured) have been told to leave and the Israelis are preparing to demolish their village in order to expand Israeli settlements on to that land.

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