Off to get their visas ..

RamallahWish it was as simple as that!  It would be if they were Israeli… NO… if they were Israeli they wouldn’t have to do all this working, paying, fingerprinting, waiting…. The  UK wouldn’t even ask them for a visa!!

Meanwhile, our football girls are involved in the long process of getting a UK visa.  We were sent this photo yesterday when the girl footballers and coaches and their Abu Dis Girls’ School teacher went to Ramallah to do their fingerprints.  Then their passports and piles of paper go off to Amman and they wait. We hope the visas will all come in good time for them to travel to the UK in late                                                                                          November.

The whole system is upside-down – so do read and sign our visa petition here please.

On the very brighFOOTBALL 4 FREEDOM LOGOt side, we do expect them to get the visas and to come and we are looking forward!  The girls are meeting often in Abu Dis – football-training twice a week, attending a girls’ group where they are preparing for their journey at least once a week. Meanwhile preparations continue in earnest in the UK: every day has news of a new football match confirmed, event planned, exciting visit expected…

We are so much looking forward to seeing our young visitors after all this time! Football 4 Freedom!


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