Terrible pressure

قلنديا تصاريحThis month’s CADFA human rights report (‘A month in Abu Dis, Aug 2020’) gives some indication of the terrible pressure from all sides on our friends in Palestine living under Israeli occupation.  Like everyone in the world at the moment, they are under pressure from Corona – but the biggest pressures come from living under an Occupation where you have no rights. The closeness to everyone’s experience of house demolition, imprisonment, wounding by soldiers and the difficulties of movement are shocking.

What huge contrast there must be between the lives of Israeli settlers building their homes on Palestinian land – modern homes with all conveniences, civil rights and protection by the army – and the Palestinians who, as the report shows, live with all aspects of their lives under threat, their freedoms limited, their human rights continuously violated, under threat by the army. In addition hundreds of thousands now – having had a period with half-salaries –  have not had salaries at all for three months, as a direct result of pressure from the Israelis.   August 2020 human rights report.

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