Many thanks to everyone helping to make the two summer visits from Palestine happen – Back in Action Youth Workers’ visit in May and Sonunu Youth visit in June-July. We now have our list of participants from each visit, our list of partners in both countries and a draft programme, day by day getting firmer.
Many thanks for all the help with fundraising – we do need more – Here is a list of ways in which you can help now….
Could you do one of these today?
- DONATE – Make a donation on our new crowdfunder and also share it?
- WALK – Register to join our sponsored walk in Knighton on 7th-8th May – or run another one nearer you?
- RAFFLE – Buy some raffle tickets with great prizes, to help the visits
- EAT/ COME TO A SPECIAL IFTAR Book a place at one of the fundraising iftars on 7th or 14th (see poster below)
- LEARN ARABIC IN WALES Apply to join the Arabic residential in June
- OFFER AUCTION PRIZES The picture is of a Palestinian dress that a friend has given us to auction. Another has promised to run a cream tea in her countryside garden, and another has promised an event in her garden in London. These are just some of the things we hope to auction to raise money – do you have anything you can offer?
- FUNDRAISE Create another fundraiser and share it with your friends? Make your page here
- RUN AN EVENT Get in touch with us with a good idea for an event that would help us to raise part of the big sum that we have to do…
AND – Please never forget how it helps! – JOIN CADFA!!
We would really appreciate your help!
Many thanks