We’re really looking forward to our next visit of Palestinian youth in October 2024! We will add posts, information and pictures as often as we can but may be too busy to be very quick! We hope these links will be useful meanwhile…
Frrequently asked questions about the Beyond the Checkpoints youth visit https://www.cadfa.org/blog/2024/10/beyond-the-checkpoints-youth-visit-frequently-asked-questions/
Pictures from the visit https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JSCUVxGsFGOvMwAvvk1US-4d1hWuPZ56?usp=drive_link
Donations to help the visit https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/youth-visit-from-palestine-autumn-2024
Events during the visit https://www.cadfa.org/blog/2024/09/public-events-during-the-palestinian-youth-visit-october-2024/
General press release written before the visit https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t9g3t5udernarbkgxc8dg/Press-release-Sept-2024.docx?rlkey=crgeo4m35a3ox4ej6pkzivsud&dl=0
Evaluation form for any part of the visit https://forms.gle/umP1a99WiXJm9YLo8
PIC: Well done to the Cornish fundraisers! (sponsored ten-mile-walk on Bodmin Moor)

This is fantastic. Are these young people recording anything that can be used in schools. Are there any live zooms where schools can join
It’s important for the up and coming generations to be be aware of global.issues and work.toward peace.
Hi Helen
We agree! We do have some materials for schools about human rights in Palestine and facilitate Zoom links as well as arranging meetings in person when we can! If you’re from an interestef school please write to us directly on contact@cadfa.org